14 January 2006

Canadian democrazy in action

The issue that irritates me the most about the current Canadian federal election process is not:

  • the generally apolitical voters' ignorance regarding the basic platform of each party and electoral decision-making based on rumor

  • the almost omnipresent belief that the government needs to become even more of a babysitter to it subjects than it already is and the consequent sense of false entitlement that this belief brings along

  • the wide-spread hatred for self-achieved financial success and the notion that it needs to be penalized

  • the shameless and childish mudslinging and fear tactics in advertisements on the part of the party in power

  • the hypocritical assumption that there is a single
    set of Canadian values
    , conveniently defined by the ruling party, that every Canadian possesses, but that current opposition does not, which makes this opposition anti-Canadian

  • the blatant America-bashing on the part of the ruling party

  • ...but rather the fact that almost every district profiled on Toronto / Greater Toronto Area radio stations seems to contain a member from the Communist and the Marxist-Leninist parties running for election. Expectedly, each of these homo (hopefully) sapiens spews regurgitated Robinhood vomit from the Manifesto that even Jack "Lenin" Layton himself would not dream of.


    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I clap and ofcourse agree.